RZ-G/RZG videos

From Renesas.info

📽️ RZ/G Series Demo Video List


Demo Description Device Link
🧠 FOSS based AI Object Recognition Demo
Object recognition demonstration using major AI frameworks such as Caffe2 and TensorFlow
RZ/G1M https://youtu.be/zFkg4qHCK4Q
🧠 FOSS based AI Object Detection Demo(CPU)
This demo is to showcase object detection using a TensorFlow Lite MobileNet v2 SSD model on RZ/G2
RZ/G2M https://youtu.be/GvcVTGD593s
🧠FOSS based AI Object Detection Demo(CPU-Video Mode)
This demo is to showcase object detection using a TensorFlow Lite MobileNet v2 SSD model on RZ/G2
RZ/G2M https://youtu.be/to2N1tPv5Uw
🧠FOSS based AI Shopping Basket Demo
Proof of concept that showcases a custom trained AI model in a mock supermarket use case
RZ/G2M https://youtu.be/cw4zJ0--7gU
🎨 HTML5 Web Socket Demo
Demonstration of sensor data acquisition using HTML5 Web socket
RZ/G2E https://youtu.be/ITWvgfiZZLk
🎨 Crank Software Overview and Demo
Crank Software for both the RZ/A and RZ/G Series of MPUs
RZ/G, RZ/A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqzR64kOgfY
🎨Crank Software Demo
Crank Software Storyboard-built embedded GUI sample demo on the Renesas RZ/G1M.
RZ/G1M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SqzR64kOgfY
🎥 Multiple Video Streaming Demo
Demonstration of playing 4 Video Streams at the same time
RZ/G2E https://youtu.be/50K1pN3gtVE
🎥 Video Phone Demo
Proof of concept that showcases Video phone system over the network
RZ/G2E https://youtu.be/gwfxe5hATEs